Often one parent or the other ends up with residential custody of the children. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, the parent with the residential custody may need to relocate. Such relocation may simply be in another close county in Florida, or may be within the state of Florida but significantly far away, or completely out of Florida to a distant state, or even to a foreign country.

Such a proposed relocation creates many problems for both the parent attempting to move with the children, as well as the remaining parent who fears the contact with their children will be severely restricted.
The State of Florida has a very specific procedure with which the parent seeking to relocate must utilize in order to receive permission from the Court to allow relocation. Alternately, the responding parent must follow a procedure as well in order to protect their rights to the children.
The improper handling of this type of issue can lead to disastrous results. The Law Firm of Jeffrey Hap has handled numerous relocation matters, within the State of Florida, as well as outside the State of Florida, and outside of the United States. Even if you simply sense that a relocation issue may arise in the future, please come in for a free consultation to inform yourself of your rights and liabilities. Don’t wait until its too late.
Child Relocation Attorney in Port St Lucie, Florida
Contact us today to discuss child relocation with an experienced divorce attorney in our Port St Lucie law office.